Bonnie Jo Manion

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Zucchini Blossoms with Goat Cheese, Fresh Mint, and Anise Seeds

Stuffed Zucchini Blossoms from the Oven

As promised, I wanted to share the recipe for “Zucchini Blossoms with Goat Cheese, Fresh Mint, and Anise Seeds” after finding fresh zucchini blossoms recently at the Cardiff Farmers Market. The recipe is from the cookbook, Dinner Chez Moi by Elizabeth Bard. Please Note: if you buy your zucchini blossoms at the morning Farmers Market, store them in your refrigerator like a flower bouquet, with the stems in a glass of cold water, until you are ready to use.

If you are not familiar with Elizabeth Bard, she is a New Yorker who fell in love with a Frenchman, moved to Paris, married, and moved eventually to Provence with her husband and small son. She has written two previous memoirs, Lunch in Paris, and Picnic in Provence. All of her books have a culinary thread, with a dash of humor and a heaping of joie de vivre. Elizabeth is not a chef, but a good home cook. In Dinner Chez Moi, she shares 50 secrets French secrets of cooking, eating, and entertaining.

Zucchini Blossoms with Goat Cheese, Fresh Mint, and Anise Seeds

Lovingly Adapted from Dinner Chez Moi By Elizabeth Bard

Serves 4: As an Hors d’oeuvres or Light Appetizer


1 egg

6 ounces soft goat cheese, cut into small cubes

1 teaspoon whole anise seeds

1-1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint

Pinch of coarse sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper

12 large zucchini blossoms

1 tablespoon olive oil


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

In a small bowl, lightly beat the egg. Add the cheese, anise seeds, mint, salt, and pepper. Mash with a fork to combine. Gently rinse the blossoms and blot dry on a kitchen or paper towel.

When ready to stuff your blossoms, gently hold open each flower, no need to remove the stamen, but do check for any ants or insects. Stuff your blossoms with a heaping teaspoon or more of filling. Depending on your size of squash blossoms, you may have a bit of stuffing leftover. Twist the ends of the blossoms to close.

Place the olive oil in a 9” x 13” casserole dish and brush or shake the dish so it coats the entire bottom of the dish. Gently roll each zucchini blossom in the oil and retwist the ends to make sure they’re closed.

Bake for 20 minutes, until fragrant and golden. Serve warm with a glass of chilled rosé. Yum!

Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend…Bonnie