Green Thumb Nursery in San Marcos
Bareroot Fruit Trees at Green Thumb Nursery

Fabulous Bareroot Selection of Fruit Trees and Roses

From time to time I write about “Places to Know” around San Diego. This time of year with bare root season in full swing for garden roses and backyard fruit trees, Green Thumb Nursery in San Marcos is a great place to know. Prices are reasonable. Garden product is well marked and organized. Nursery staff is very helpful.

Recently, I picked up a couple of my favorite climbing rose—Eden, for $24.99 each. That is a very reasonable price for that rose. Besides climbing roses, you can find all kinds of rose varieties for $24.99 up to $39.99.

The fruit tree selection is incredible with many varieties you don’t often see. I splurged on a bare root Chocolate Persimmon, which is a little smaller tree in size than the more well known Fuyu. Chocolate Persimmons are known for their brownish flesh and outstanding flavor.

Besides roses and fruit trees, Green Thumb Nursery offers many varieties of bare root berries, wisteria, nut trees, and a great selection of vegetables and herbs. If there is something you are looking for to plant in your garden now, chances Green Thumb Nursery has it.

Sign up for the weekly Green Thumb Nursery newsletter on their homepage website. Most weeks there is a nice coupon at the bottom.

Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend….Bonnie

For 2023, Look a Bull in the Eye
Bull at National Western Stock Show, Denver

Prize Bull at National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colorado

Hello 2023!

Hello to you all! What I mean is, make this the year to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Do things that are different for you, out of your everyday. Experiences that push you to grow. Expand your horizon and create new interests. The very things you have put off for a while, do plan, take baby steps to begin, and do now. Start checking off your wish list, and turn your dreams into reality. The important thing is to act now, the rest will fall into place. It is never too late.

Some helpful suggestions to make your 2023 a spectacular year for you!

1) Heighten your awareness using all of your senses through your everyday. This leads to living in the present, which is such a gift in of itself.

2) Live your life with gratitude with all of the people who surround you, what you have, and the true abundance of this life.

3) Focus on those things in your life which give you joy, be it your grandchildren, your garden, your cooking, your creativity, your hobbies. True fulfillment and success comes from within, and not externally.

4) Eliminate from your life, those things, people, and circumstances that create stress and grief in your life.

5) Look a bull in the eye, and stretch yourself for growth, passion, and in turn self-confidence in all areas. You are unique, and you have one go around in this life. Take advantage of all that comes to you. Say “yes” more than “no.”

6) Keep a positive attitude, open mind, and a clarity about your life, so you can recognize it instantly, whatever it is. Sometimes life wears many coats, and maybe not exactly the one you were thinking of wearing.

7) Remember we are all connected, and we must be kind, gentle, and loving to all people, things, animals, and beauty that encompass the universe.

8) You can never give too much. Give, give, and give more. Giving uplifts you, and comes back to you in unimaginable abundance.

9) Smile, a smile is gold.

10) Focus always on what you want, not what you don’t want.

11) Set clear intentions for yourself, and review them regularly.

12) One of my dear friends shared with me this saying, “Wear Life Like a Loose Robe.” Ease up on life. Don’t fret, worry, agonize, over things. In the end, it all works out the way it is suppose to.

13) Believe in yourself, the life you create, and the life you have!

Related Post:

Bonjour January 2022 (The list is worth revisiting)

Joyous Holidays 2022

Embrace the Beauty of the Season

Thinking of all of you, thankful and grateful for the journey we have had together this year through the musings, recipes, places to know, garden, kitchen, workshops, culinary experiences, events, lifestyle tips, and above it all—the sharing.

Wishing you a joyful holiday season….Bonnie

After a break for the holidays, I will return in January 2023. Merci mille fois!

Vanilla Lavender Canelés

Hosting a Holiday Tea A Few Years Ago

A few years ago I hosted a Holiday Tea for one of my dear garden clubs. The menu was based on 13 Desserts, a South French holiday tradition (Les treize desserts de Noël). One of the star desserts I made was Vanilla Lavender Canelés, one of the most elegant of French pastries and surprisingly easy to make. I remember how delicate these pastries tasted due to the steeping of milk, butter, vanilla bean, and culinary lavender. A delicious nod to Provence and the South France.

Please Note: You will need to have canelé molds, available on line, to make this recipe. It is important to use culinary lavender such as Provence lavender.


Vanilla Lavender Canelés

Recipe by Chelsea Zimmer

Lovingly Adapted from Sweet Paul magazine, Winter 2013



 2 cups milk

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more for molds

1 vanilla bean, scraped

1 Tbsp dried culinary lavender

½ cup, plus 1 Tbsp flour

2 cups sugar

¼ tsp salt

2 eggs

2 egg yolks

1 Tbsp whiskey

2 cannelé molds (twelve molds to a pan)



In a medium pot, bring milk, butter, vanilla bean, and lavender to boil.  Remove from the heat and let steep for 10 minutes.  Meanwhile, in a large bowl whisk the flour, sugar, salt, and eggs.  Strain the warm milk mixture, slowly whisking it into the flour mixture.  Stir in the whiskey.  Let this cool in the fridge until chilled, about an hour. If you want to speed up the chilling process, set your bowl over an ice bath and stir occasionally for 20 minutes.


Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F.  Place 2 cannelé molds on a large baking sheet and lightly brush them with melted butter. Pour the batter 2/3 of the way up each mold. Bake for 5 minutes.  Lower the oven to 375 degrees F. and continue baking for 1 hour until your canelés are golden brown. Turn out onto wire racks while hot and cool to room temperature. Makes 30.

Copper Canelé Molds

There Are Various Canelé Molds—Even Copper

The holidays are a great time to bake different specialty desserts and cookies from other countries besides French Canelés, such as Austria’s Linzters, Italy’s Biscotti, and Mexican Wedding Cakes. Be adventurous, they just might become a new tradition for your family.

Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend….Bonnie

Longwood Gardens Dressed For The Holidays
Longwood Conservatory Decked Out in December

Incredible Holiday Beauty And Photo Opportunities At Longwood Gardens

In 1906, at the age of 36, Pierre S. du Pont bought the Pierce Farm and its surrounding forest outside of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, saving it from an impending sale of trees for lumber. These were no ordinary trees, but a collection of magnificent heritage trees planted and carefully tended to for decades. He confided in a letter to a friend that he had a moment of insanity buying this property, but he couldn’t stand the thought of the trees being cut down for lumber. As with many rescue situations the rescuer is the one that is saved back. This property which eventually became Longwood Gardens and part of the du Pont family legacy, became a spot for du Pont and his family to relax, entertain, and step back from his successful business world.

Starting small, and with no initial plan, du Pont began adding and and creating areas on the property heavily influenced by his world travels, and love of beauty. Many generations have helped create Longwood Gardens, but du Pont made the most enduring contribution, and ensured its future through the Longwood Foundation created in 1946 to handle his charitable giving, operating it “for the sole use of the public for purposes of exhibition, instruction, education, and enjoyment.” It is a fascinating history story, past, present, and moving into the future.

Topiary Garden Walking Up To The Conservatory at Longwood Gardens

Topiary Garden Walking Up To The Conservatory

Recently, I visited Longwood Gardens during their “Longwood Christmas” December festivities program with indoor and outdoor lights, decorations, and flowers in full swing. Here are a few photos from my visit that I thought you might enjoy. If you have the opportunity to visit Longwood Gardens, you will be astounded, and absolutely love it. Longwood Gardens is worth a visit, no matter what the season.

Entrance to the Conservatory

Entrance to Longwood Gardens Conservatory

I enjoyed seeing the different floral designs, color combinations, and ideas used this year. A great way to gain new ideas, and stimulate your senses. Would this work in my garden? Could I make this display for my holiday home? How do the floral designers do this?

Close Up of Conservatory Entrance

Close Up Of Conservatory Entrance

Mass plantings and repetition, one of my design mottos, create this wintry wonderland.

Longwood Gardens Ballroom

Ballroom With Christmas Trees Decorated By Children

Rows of Christmas trees decorated with ornaments made by children groups filled the elegant ballroom in the Conservatory. I was thinking—if these walls could talk. There is a massive pipe organ in this room where a lot of concerts were held. I loved the how the original wall sconces were decorated so elegantly.

Purple Orchid, Christmas Trees, Lemon Cypress, and Ferns Vignette at Longwood Gardens Conservatory

Decorating with Purple Orchids, Christmas Trees, Lemon Cypress and Ferns

A sensational vignette of Christmas trees decorated with silver, gold, and purple orchids, softened by a base of more purple orchids, tiny lemon cypress trees, and ferns. Alice du Pont, wife of Pierre du Pont loved orchids.

Acacia Passage with Holiday Orbs in Conservatory at Longwood Gardens

One of My Favorite Spots in the Conservatory, Acacia Passage

I loved these living holiday orbs, made with dried grapevines, white moth orchids, textured Tillandsia, and Spanish moss. Cinnamon Wattle Trees, or Acacia leprosa, are trained to arch and drape over the walkway.

Swaths of Red Poinsettias Decorate These Christmas Trees In The Conservatory

It Wouldn’t Be Christmas Without Poinsettias

Longwood Gardens grows over 1,000 poinsettias each year for their Christmas displays. Incredible sizes, varieties, and colors—not just red.

Close Up Of Poinsettia Christmas Tree In The Orangerie at Longwood Gardens

Close Up in the Orangerie

In the end, it is all about the details. Poinsettia-decorated Christmas trees hold court with Grapefruit trees in the Orangerie.

Sunset And Dusk Brings Out The Outdoor Lights At Longwood Garden

At Sunset The Holiday Lights Begin To Appear

At sunset, dusk, and into evening, Longwood Gardens becomes dressed in outdoor holiday color. You can sense how massive these trees are in relation to the people walking through them. So beautiful!

Moon and Red Holiday Lights Reflecting On The Water At Longwood Gardens

The Moon And Red Holiday Lights Reflecting On The Water

Seeing “red” was ruby beautiful with the moon joining in and all reflecting on the water.

The Italian Garden With Holiday Lights at Longwood Garden

The Italian Garden Showing Off

“Longwood Gardens is the living legacy of Pierre S. du Pont bringing joy and inspiration to everyone through the beauty of nature, conservation, and learning.” —Visitor Center Lobby, Longwood Gardens


Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend…..Bonnie

My Favorite Gift Sources for Francophiles
MFCH Subscription Box and Magazine

My French Country Home Subscription Box and Magazine

If you are a Francophile like me, chances are you have friends, and loved ones who are too. Here is a short list in no particular order, of online websites and shopping for great gift ideas from France that I follow, frequent, and recommend. A few are new to me, which I thought you might like too.

1) French General, owner Karri Meng, has a fabulous old-fashioned general mercantile of French fabrics, trimmings, craft kits, notions, and brocante finds. She also hosts “French General GetAways” each summer in the Toulouse, France area.

2) My French Country Home Gift Box, Boutique, and Magazine. Owner, Sharon Santoni does a magnificent job of promoting France, french products, French artisans, and more to Francophiles.

3) The Simply Luxurious Life, Shannon Ables has a terrific blog and podcast on cultivating the extraordinary in your everyday. Check out her Simply Luxurious Life Francophile Finds

4) Chateau Sonoma, I call owner, Sarah Anderson, the unofficial ambassador of Sonoma County. She promotes flower farmers, antique dealers, artisan farmers, artists, chefs, etc. with her French flea markets, events, music concerts, and Friday Cocktail Instagram hour. Chateau Sonoma is a retail shop on Sonoma Plaza in Sonoma, California, as well as a great website specializing in French antiques and gifts. Chateau Sonoma just celebrated 20 years!

5) Rabbit Hill Lifestyle, owner, Cat Bude lives with her family on a beautiful farm in Normandy, France. She offers a fun and lively pop-up shop for 24 hours usually the first or second Saturday of the month. She specializes in copper pieces, as well as brocante and lifestyle treasures. Worth checking out.

6) Vivi et Margot, named after her two daughters, Charlotte Reiss offers “A French Life To Live” with her online store for Traditional French housewares. She and her family live in Southwest France, and soon will be moving to Provence. She is fun to follow on Instagram at vivietmargot.

7) The Cook’s Atelier, Expats Mother/Daughter duo, Marjorie Taylor and Kendall Smith Franchini are based in Burgundy, France with their fabulous cooking school and culinary boutique. I have experience their kitchen and shop, which is a stunning. Online they offer many antique, kitchen, and culinary boutique items which are very special.

8) Elsie Green, Elsie Green is a small family run business out of Northern California. The team travels the world to find special pieces. One visit to their website, and you will be inspired.

9) Francaise Shop, A new shop for me to explore, that I have heard about in Coronado, California that specializes in modern French contemporary for the home, kitchen, and boutique clothing. It is on my list to visit, and it is local.

10) Le Panier Français, Also new to me, an online French marketplace out of Illinois specializing in imported French food items. A great online website to find special French foods and ingredients. It is fun to browse all of their items available.

Please share your favorite websites for Francophiles too. I always love to hear! Happy Shopping!

Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend….Bonnie

Second Macadamia Nut Pop-Up Workshop

Learn How To Make Fantastic Chocolate Macadamia Nut Clusters at Domaine de Manion

The Macadamia Nut Workshop on Saturday, November 26, 2022 is filled. Thank you for your interest and welcome response to host a second Macadamia Nut Workshop. The date for the second Macadamia Nut Workshop is Tuesday, November 29, 2022. Please see below for details. Merci beaucoup!

At Domaine de Manion we proudly share we have 5 mature macadamia nut trees that are grand and still producing an abundance of nuts. Estimating by the year our original home was built, these macadamia nut trees are ninety plus years old. Each year we gather, dry, and store the nuts until we hand process them with a specific macadamia nut crusher. It is labor intensive, but worth macadamia gold. The macadamia nuts we use in the workshop are organically grown and processed on site.

Please join me for a two hour hands-on workshop at Domaine de Manion. I will share with you different macadamia nut dessert recipes, just in time for the holiday table and gift giving. Using the recipes we make together, I will demonstrate how to incorporate these goodies into a beautiful delicious Chocolate Charcuterie Dessert Board.


Macadamia Nut Workshop

Hosted at Domaine de Manion, Encinitas, California

Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 at 1pm to 3pm

$95.00 per person

Class Size is Limited to First 8 Guests

To Sign Up, And For Further Details

Please Contact Bonnie ,, (tel) (760) 402-7600

I call this workshop “pop-up” because it is very spur of the moment and very spontaneous. The workshop is limited to the first 8 guests who contact me above and sign up. A minimum of 6 guests is necessary for the workshop to be held.


Macadamia Nut Gold
