A Little Stone House in South France

Buying Pillows in Uzès

Buying Pillows in Uzès, France

My husband, John, and I last summer bought a little stone house dating back to 1850, in a little village outside of Uzès, France. Officially in the Gard Department, it is often considered the very western part Provence, about 25 miles from Avignon.

It was a dream of ours that somehow got tucked away for twenty years. A yearning for more of Europe and a thinking of a “next chapter,” back in July 2022, we started looking online at properties in South France.

It was my task mainly to find this dream house and property for us. I started searching online in the Languedoc area, as suggested by friends. A very personal choice, somehow, something felt missing, and it occurred to me that from all of our travels and familiarity with Provence, that maybe we should be focusing on an area closer to Provence.

I was looking for a charming little stone house, old—but moderately updated. I didn’t want a lot of property to keep up, but perhaps a few flowerbeds and an outdoor terrace. It had to be in the countryside in a smaller village, and with great access to airports and trains. It had to have a lot of potential to decorate in a rustic, simple style. It had to be in an area that had vineyards, colorful markets, festivals, and a lot going on. I had a very clear vision of this house in my head.

Mas de Manion, Spring 2023

Mas de Manion Needing A Gardener’s Touch

On our May 2023 trip to France, time had run out. John and I were driving back to Barcelona in two days to catch our plane home to California. I remember thinking vividly, “okay, this is not going to happen this year.” The very next day we found the listing, by pure luck. We were visiting a small village market, new to us, and saw a small real estate office off of the market square. I had a feeling about this house from the very first time I saw the photo and listing in the real estate office window. VILLAGE HOUSE FOR SALE. MAS, RARE. It was meant to be.

Mas in French means farmhouse. Barely 800 square feet in size, it is a charming little house with a kitchen, living room, and one bedroom and bathroom upstairs. A pied à terre. A small outdoor terrace connects the main house to a separate studio, which was originally the tiny barn where they kept animals. Mature landscape was there, yet overgrown, but nothing that a little pruning and gardening attention could easily remedy.

Cooking at Mas de Manion

“Cooking Up a Storm” at Mas de Manion

This area of France is very beautiful. There are lots of vineyards, farms, little charming villages, black truffles, and even magnificent Roman ruins. I can’t say enough!

John Happy To Explore The Vineyards Around Uzès & Beyond

John & Bonnie Manion at the Pont du Gard, May 2024

The Roman Aqueduct Masterpiece, Pont du Gard, Is Close To Our Village

The Beautiful Spring Countryside Outside of Uzès

The Stunning French Countryside This Spring Outside of Uzès

For those of you who have big dreams of something in your life. My advice to you is, “chase it” and not tuck it away. Do it now. You won’t regret it!

Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend…Bonnie