Posts tagged Burlap Wreath
A Wreath For All Occasions

Rustic Burlap Wreath I love burlap as a medium, see my post, Beauty in Burlap for more ideas. Burlap is easily found in art and craft stores as a finished garland. Over the holidays I made this rustic burlap wreath and finished it with a plaid holiday ribbon. Now that the holidays are tucked away for the year, this beautifully textured wreath can become a "wreath for all occasions" simply by changing out its ribbon style or embellishment.

The wreath is simple to make, requiring little other than a wire four-ringed wreath form of your preferred size, a spool of 6" wide burlap garland that is 10'long, scissors, and a favorite ribbon of your choice.

Wire Wreath and Burlap Garland

Begin by unraveling your entire 10' of burlap garland. Leaving a beginning tail which you will tuck in later, begin weaving your burlap garland through your wire form, first under, then over your wire. As you weave under and over your wire, pull out a loop of burlap each time you weave in and out. Create your loops the same size, which becomes your burlap form. Leave a tail at the end of your wreath, as in the beginning and tuck it into your wire wreath form to finish.

Nearly Completed Burlap Wreath

The burlap garland is cumbersome in the beginning with 10' to thread through the wires, but soon after the burlap wreath starts to take shape. Knobby loops begin defining the textural beauty of this wreath.

Copper Feather Ribbon

In celebration of my beautiful hens, I have my wreath currently adorned with a copper feather ribbon.

Wreath with Holiday Ribbon

Around the holidays, you can easily change the look of this wreath to a more holiday festive look. The same goes for spring with a pastel ribbon, or the fall with a black and white checked ribbon. You have unlimited possibilities with this wreath for all occasions. Don't forget that wreaths can dress up a window, or a candle and hurricane on a table, besides a special door.

Please share if you adorn a wreath for a special occasion other than the holidays. Please share what your favorite wreath.