Do you know who Claudia Alta Taylor Johnson was? It was the real name of one of our beloved First Ladies, better known as Lady Bird Johnson. This month, and actually December 22, 2012 marked the 100 year anniversary of the birth of Lady Bird. This is a charming children's book geared for ages 7-10. Published in 2005, Kathy Appelt is the author, and Joy Fisher Hein illustrates the book beautifully in vivid impressionistic colors.
Through this book, readers are reminded of this country's very important chapter in our history. Readers also learn wildflower names guided by color illustrations mentioned in the book. It also leaves us with Miss Lady Bird's Legacy, and what we can be grateful to her for creating generations later.
Miss Lady Bird's Wildflowers: How a First Lady Changed America
beautifully illustrates the poignant life story of Lady Bird from her earliest Texas memories finding solace in Texas bluebonnet flowers, to her exciting life in the White House married to Lyndon B. Johnson, and back to her beloved Texas. Her love of flowers was a theme throughout her lifetime, and is a catalyst for her environmental vision of beautifying America's highways with wildflowers.
Go to author Kathi Appelt's website, for lots more for children to actively participate in celebrating Lady Bird's centennial birth.