Posts tagged Harvest 2024
Countdown to Harvest

It looks like we are going to have a good harvest this year at Domaine de Manion. This will be our 18th vintage. The weather cooperated this year which is a huge factor in a good vintage. The grape clusters have turned inky black in color. The brix (sugar percentage) of the grapes is over 20, and heading towards 23 or 24%, the range where we like to harvest. The yield looks good, maybe above average, but really can’t guesstimate how many pounds. We will have to wait until harvest.

Last year, if you recall, we had to drop all of the fruit. There was no vintage 2023. We are grateful to see the vineyard bounce back with a good grape crop. We don’t take anything for granted when it comes to our vineyard, and recognize each year is different, and what makes each vintage so different.

Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend…Bonnie