Posts tagged meandering path
Welcome To My Garden

Welcome To My Garden September 4, 2009 marks the one year anniversary of VintageGardenGal, a garden lifestyle blog. Many thanks to those who have visited in the past year, your wonderful comments, and enthusiasm. May those who are drawn to this blog, continue to find valuable information, creative ideas, musings, inspiration to dream, and most important, welcome more garden into your lives.

A garden is a sanctuary, it is reflective of the person that cares for it. Make sure your garden is "welcoming" to you, your family, your friends, and invited guests. You want your garden to convey a cheery happiness, and an underlying message that it is well taken care of. Here are a few simple suggestions to make a garden welcoming.

Explore color and plant combinations that are visually beautiful, and maybe a surprise to the eye. One of my favorite books for plant combinations, colors, and inspiration to buy for your home library is Shocking Beauty by Thomas Hobbs.

Create a special spot or garden room that is accessed by a meandering path to a bench under a shady tree. It can be a special spot to rest and gather one's thoughts, even meditate. It can be a spot to entertain and share a glass of lemonade.

Surprise those making footsteps in your garden with a weathered adorable vintage gnome peeking out from under your favorite shrub, or a beautiful garden ornament in a sun-laced clearing. These pieces can be subtle, yet yield a smile.

Scour flea markets and garage sales for time-worn wood buckets or wicker baskets to place in strategic places in the garden to toss a rogue weed or anything deemed for garbage. These pieces will blend in with your garden, and help you to keep your garden tidy.

Think of birds, butterflies, and wildlife in your garden. If your garden is full of songbirds, busy hummingbirds, fluttering butterflies, ladybugs, for instance, it enhances your garden and your time in the garden that much more. Design your garden with plants that attract wildlife. Place birdhouses in your garden. Keep fabulous bird baths, they are garden ornaments in themselves. Keep them clean and full of fresh water. If you have a lot of wildlife in your garden, chances are your garden is healthy and welcoming.

These are a few suggestions that I use in my garden. A welcome garden is a happy garden. What makes your garden welcoming?