March Moments

“Simple French Comfort Food” Cooking Class

March 2024 started off with a bang, with a full class for the “Simple French Comfort Food” cooking class. The blustery day started out with a little rain, so a nice warm fire and a comforting menu was perfect. Everyone rolled up their sleeves and made delicious recipes that culminated in a relaxing lunch, à table. All my students were an inspiration for me. Merci!

À Table For A Relaxing Lunch With Recipes Completed


Winter Storms Brought Spectacular Sunsets

Welcome winter rains brought spectacular sunsets. The mature trees have been trimmed. The garden pathways replenished with fresh mulch. The flowerbeds manicured. The vineyard and roses pruned and poised for another growing season. The potager has been planted.

The garden and vineyard are waiting for longer days and warmer temperatures. I am hopeful all this wonderful winter rain will promise a spectacular showing in spring.


Olivenhain Garden Club Visiting March 2024. Thank You For The Photo By Olivenhain Garden Club

In mid-March, The Olivenhain Garden Club came for a garden tour and a glimpse of spring emerging. Just like your favorite perennial, this club, and many other lovely garden clubs have been here before for a visit, and have seen the garden and Domaine de Manion evolve over the years.

The Olivenhain Garden Club comments and compliments were so nice. They didn’t go hungry, I prepared a few different charcuterie boards and platters for them.

One Of The Charcuterie Boards. A Little Something For Everyone


“Meet The Masters” Check-In And Book Signing For Gabriela Salazar

Mid-March was The Village Garden Club of La Jolla’s “Meet the Masters” 2024 event with program speaker, fabulous Gabriela Salazar, an internationally recognized floral artist and grower out of Mexico. She wowed us with her flower philosophy and technique in flower arranging.

It was a huge, fun, successful event. I helped, along with many dutiful ladies checking guests in, and giving them their table seating. It was a pleasure to be on this committee with my fellow members. Hats off to The Village Garden Club of La Jolla!


As March continued to unfold, spring was emerging, slowly but surely. First, narcissus bulbs appeared in the lawn, next Cherokee rose started to bloom, and then wisteria came to life in purple pendulum display. Early spring was here!

Naturalized Narcissus Bulbs Transition Winter Into Spring

Cherokee Rose Beginning To Bloom White

Wisteria Over the Shed Heralds In Spring


March 2024 started off with a bang, and is ending with a bang, Easter! March has had momentum with a nice energy, perhaps it will continue throughout the year. I wish all of you a beautiful spring!

Vintage Hen And Chick Remind Us Easter Is Here

Bon Appétit, Bon Weekend, and Happy Easter…Bonnie

Lemon Gingersnap Icebox Pie

A Slice of Heaven, Lemon Gingersnap Icebox Pie

Here is a great dessert recipe, perfect for any occasion, Lemon Gingersnap Icebox Pie by Erin French. Erin French is the owner and chef of The Lost Kitchen, a forty seat restaurant in Freedom, Maine, that one has to send in a postcard for a dinner reservation lottery. Her restaurant was recently named Time’s World’s Greatest Places, and Bloomberg includes her in “12 Restaurants Worth Traveling Across the World to Experience.” She has quite a life story which she vividly describes in her bestselling memoir Finding Freedom.

This might be a perfect dessert for your upcoming Easter gathering and celebration for many reasons. It is best to make it the day before, so advance preparation eases up your schedule. You slice it straight from the freezer when ready to serve. Makes one 9” pie, serves 8.

Lemons are in season, and who doesn’t love a bright, cool, and creamy lemony dessert. It is so easy to make, and the citrus-ginger combination is addicting.

This icebox pie just looks like spring. You can have fun and be creative with garnish. I used fresh sliced kiwi, but you could use other fruit such as blueberries, or candied ginger pieces or even dainty edible flowers. Make your whipped cream the day before, and dessert is done.


Lemon gingersnap Icebox Pie

Lovingly Adapted from Erin French’s Big Heart, Little Stove

For The Crust:

1 box gingersnap cookies (about 9 ounces)

1/4 cup granulated sugar

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

For The Filling:

6 large egg yolks

1/4 cup granulated sugar

Pinch of kosher salt

1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk

2 tablespoons grated lemon zest

3/4 cup fresh lemon juice

Freshly whipped cream, for serving

Make The Crust:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In the bowl of a food processor, pulse the cookies until the crumbs are the consistency of coarse sand. Transfer the crumbs to a medium bowl, add the sugar, and melted butter, and stir to combine.

Pour the crust mixture into a 9-inch springform pan or pie dish and press evenly over the bottom of the pan. Bake until just barely golden and puffed, 8 to 10 minutes. Set aside to cool completely before adding the filling.

Make The Filling:

In a bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, combine the egg yolks, sugar, and salt and whip on high speed until the mixture is light in color, 3 to 4 minutes. With the mixer running, slowly add the sweetened condensed milk, and then the lemon zest and juice.

Pour the filling into the prepared pan and freeze for at least 6 hours, or overnight.

If using a springform pan, unmold the pie. Slice into wedges and serve immediately with freshly whipped cream. Add a garnish of your choice of fruit, dried ginger, or dainty edible flowers.

If you are not serving the entire icebox pie at once, return the remaining pie to the freezer, otherwise it will melt. Enjoy!


Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend…Bonnie

Not To Be Missed!

Tickets Are Going Fast!

The truly incredible Village Garden Club of La Jolla is bringing internationally renowned floral designer and floral farmer, Gabriela Salazar to San Diego for a very special luncheon event, speaking program, and floral demonstration all rolled into one. Tickets are still available, and are open to the public. Please see above for reservation details, and who to contact for more information. You won’t want to miss the magic of Gabriela Salazar!


Wonderful Ingredients for Truffle-Tomato Bisque

If you love “Simple French Comfort Food” and want to add some carefully curated recipes to your repertoire, please sign for the upcoming Saturday, March 2, 2024 culinary experience at Domaine de Manion. Spend a day in France, learn new tasty recipes, and enjoy a relaxing lunch. For more details please visit: Simple French Comfort Food Culinary Experience


Newly Planted Arugula, Carrots, Fava Beans, Lettuce, Kale, Onions, Peas, and Swiss Chard

January, and the new year 2024 has been very productive and busy for us at Domaine de Manion. I have had our massive pine trees trimmed, refreshed and mulched all of our pathways with the chipped trimmings, pruned all of the roses, redesigned a flowerbed, and started the winter potager. That is just the garden and landscape.

Inside the house, I have reorganized my closet, linen closet, and kitchen. Donated clothes, shoes, belts and odds ‘n ends. Refreshed this, and refreshed that. It is a great feeling to start the year off this way!

With that said, this year I am venturing on to new projects and places—which means I will still be writing my posts, but maybe not as regularly as every Friday. I am not going away, but devoting a little more time for travel, events, cooking classes, and surprises! Please keep your comments and interest coming. I always enjoy hearing from all of you. Please stay tuned, and please share this blog with friends and loved ones that you think might enjoy it for a “Taste of French Country Living.” One can sign up for this newsletter on my homepage at Bonnie Jo Manion.

Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend….Bonnie

"Lunch in Provence" Cooking Class

A Few Ingredients Ready for the Truffle-Tomato Bisque


Simple “French Comfort Food”

Hosted at Domaine de Manion, Encinitas, California

Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 11am to 2pm

$195.00 per person

Class Size is Limited to First 8 Guests


Le Menu

Pea Pesto with Cruditiés

Truffle-Tomato Bisque

Domaine de Manion Wine

Croque-Monsieur Tartines

Lemon Madeleines

Lemon Verbena Tea



To Sign Up, and for Further Details

Please contact Bonnie,, (tel) (760) 402-7600

This cooking class is “hands on,” followed by a sit down luncheon, à table, enjoying the recipes we have made together. A minimum of 6 guests is necessary for the cooking class to be held. Recipes are seasonal and may be subject to change.

A portion of your class fee will be donated to Curebound, which is dedicated to accelerating cures for cancer and funding new cancer research clinical trials. All dollars donated to this incredible organization stay in San Diego. We all have been affected by cancer in one way or another. We are very lucky to have Curebound in our community working hard to eradicate cancer.

Lemon Madeleines

Lemon Madeleines Out of the Oven


Meet Bonnie Jo Manion
Bonnie Jo Manion in her garden

In My Garden and Happy Place

For those of you who have signed up for my newsletter, I thought that since it is the beginning of the year, I would introduce myself to you once again—the writer behind all of these posts. It gives me great happiness to write amd share with all of you what I call my “Taste of French Country Living”.

It is a lifestyle that embodies a “coastal Southern California meets South France” through artful seasonal living in cooking, gardening, travel, styling, and more! I confess, I am a little bit farm girl, a little bit European, and a little bit SoCal gal all rolled into one grateful person!

Bonnie Jo Manion in her kitchen

In My Kitchen and Another Happy Place

My husband, John, and I have spent over two decades transforming what once was a neglected acre of land into a beautiful and bountiful petite Provence in coastal North San Diego County. This May 2024, we celebrate 25 years living here at what we affectionately call, Domaine de Manion.

Bocce Ball Court and Gardens at Domaine de Manion

Bocce Ball Court and Gardens at Domaine de Manion

I have been featured in local and national media for my home and garden, backyard vineyard, organic practices, chickens, and styling. I was one of four California home gardeners chosen by Scott’s Miracle Grow to ride on their “California Grown” themed float in the January 2016 New Year’s Day Rose Bowl Parade.

Besides my blog, I co-authored Gardening with Free-Range Chickens For Dummies and am quoted in the beautiful part coffee table, part cookbook, Lunch in Provence, and For the Love of Provence.

Domaine de Manion Bottling November 2023

Bottling Our Syrah in November 2023

A professed self-taught gardener, I have an Agricultural B.S. degree from Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. In addition, I also earned an International Business Certificate, and Wine Technology Certificate from Mira Costa College, Oceanside, California.

If you have friends who might like these posts, recipes, tips, sometimes musings, and hopefully some inspiration, please tell them about my website, and newsletter.

Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend…Bonnie

For more details regarding classes, events, writing, speaking, and other inquiries, please contact Bonnie or (tel) (760) 402-7600.

Lunch on the Canal du Midi, Languedoc, France

Lunch on the Canal du Midi in Languedoc, France

Make Your 2024 Sparkle & Shine

Pearls and Gold Add Sparkle for a Festive Table

Happy New Year 2024 to you, your loved ones, and friends! Why not make this year especially exciting with sparkle and shine!

Last year I was at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado, where one can visit the outside stockyard pens with all kinds of prize livestock, that represent well-known and honored family ranches in this country. I was really moved to be able to look eye to eye with these massive animals. That inspired me to write a New Year’s post, “For 2023, Look a Bull in the Eye” , meaning stretch, grow, and get out of your comfort zone. I also mention thirteen great points for making your year wonderful. It is worth revisiting this post again, and maybe on a regular basis as your year progresses. Great thoughts to carry you throughout the year.

Well, as it turns out, 2023 was a stellar year for me, and a lot of it I think, was because I teed it up with all of those magical thirteen points at the beginning of the year. I will share more about my year in future posts.

This year, keep all of those thoughts in mind as your year progresses, and add just a touch more sparkle and shine. What I mean is—do a little extra with everything in your life. Put out a little more energy towards your everyday living, goals, projects, and creative endeavors. Think about your ideal life and jot these thoughts down. Make new recipes for dinner. Walk in interesting places besides your neighborhood. Organize your closet and makeup—and then try new looks. Shop at different stores or markets. In otherwards, add some zing and your life and year will amaze you with further sparkle and shine.

Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend….Bonnie

Happy Holidays 2023!

Holiday Table at Domaine de Manion

Thinking of all of you, thankful and grateful for the journey we have had together this year through the musings, recipes, places to know, garden, kitchen, workshops, culinary experiences, events, lifestyle tips, and above it all—the sharing.

Wishing you a joyful holiday season….Bonnie

After a break for the holidays, I will return in January 2024. Merci mille fois!

Paperwhites For The Garden

Paperwhites Create Holiday Cheer In The Garden

If you force Paperwhites (part of the Narcissus family) in beautiful containers inside your home for the holidays, what do you do with them afterwards? Several years ago I started planting the spent bulbs in key spots in my garden. Just like clockwork they emerge on their own in the garden in time for the holidays. Not only do their spectacular blooms create a very special holiday feel to your garden, their heavenly scent is intoxicating as you pass by them. There are many, many Paperwhite varieties, and most can be found at garden stores and nurseries in late fall. Online bulb companies such as Brent and Becky’s Bulbs and Easy to Grow Bulbs offer a nice selection.

Plant them in a home entrance flower bed, near a gate, or a pathway to capture their scent as you pass by. Of course, this suggestion is for those who live in a Mediterranean climate, most varieties are hardy in USDA zones 9-11. My garden is in zone 10, and they are very happy. If you don’t live in the mentioned zones, enjoy your Paperwhites indoors.

Paperwhites like air, sunlight, and light water. They don’t like their feet wet, and they don’t need fertilizer. Planted in groups and mass in the garden they are spectacular. Bloom time is about 2 weeks. If you are planting your Paperwhite bulbs in the garden from a forced vase, it might take a few years for the bulbs to catch on and really shine. You can clip spent flowers, but keeping the green foliage and letting it brown and die back by itself, it actually provides energy to the bulb for next year’s blooming.

Please be aware the entire Paperwhite plant is toxic to pets and to people. It is the plant’s natural defense. If you have a curious pet, an inquisitive small child, or grandchild, you might not want to tempt them with reachable Paperwhites. On the other hand, Paperwhites will deter gophers and deer in their immediate area, so an added benefit, beauty and function.

Past Related Posts:

Big on Bloom

Narcissus Bulbs Deter Gophers

Bon Appétit et Bon Weekend….Bonnie